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Lavender Roses

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Lavender Rose Arrangements

Fresh roses of any kind can fill a room with beauty and evoke an array of emotions. Lavender roses, ordered in a traditional dozen or arranged in a mix of other florals like white roses, pink roses, or purple carnations, offer a warm and enchanting mood.   FTD provides same-day delivery for your special occasion or everyday need. Order lavender roses online for your home or workplace to add an extra sense of allure to your decor or setting.

Order Lavender Roses Online

For over 100 years, FTD has provided fresh and stunning floral arrangements to consumers across the U.S. Local florists handcraft each lavender rose bouquet to produce a beautiful and stunning gift for any occasion. From weddings and anniversaries to birthdays and Valentine’s Day, we are prepared to help you put together the best possible gift for your loved one.

Lavender Roses Delivery

FTD strives to make your special moments even more memorable and will deliver your arrangement on time, when you need it. If you can plan ahead, simply schedule your flower order online. If you have a last-minute need, as long as your order is placed before 2:00 PM in your recipient’s time zone, your lavender rose bouquet can be delivered that same day (though weekend and holiday cutoff times may vary).   A lavender rose bouquet or lavender rose arrangement is a stunning gift to give your loved one for any occasion. Order a unique, hand-designed flower arrangement today and let your special someone know you’re thinking of them.